Yesterday's CF WOD was Fight Gone Bad. It's a benchmark workout and was the first WOD I did back in March on the first day of my real CF class. We do this WOD with a partner. My first FGB I was lucky to partner with Jess, a seasoned CF'er. She was so sweet, patient and very encouraging. I remember being scared to death but her calm, steady presence helped me make it through. The WOD goes like this:
Fight Gone Bad (2 rounds; 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest between rounds, as many reps as possible)
Wall ball (14#)
SDLHP (55#)
Box Jump (20")
Push Press (55#)
Row for calories
During and after my first FGB I thought I was going to D-I-E!!! Last night was tough but not nearly as hard as my first time at this rodeo and I recovered much quicker. I got a little light-headed and had to take some breaks for deep breaths but afterward felt great! I was able to up my weight on the Wall Ball from 8 lbs to 12 lbs, from 45 lbs to 55 lbs on SDLHP, use the 14" box instead of the 12" but stayed at 45 lbs with the Push Press. I added 4 points to my overall score also so I am pleased. I definitely need to work on the box jumps, they're completely mental for me. I was able to do 30 box jumps in the the first round but I'm afraid of falling or hitting my shins on the box so by the second round when I was tired I just kept thinking I need to be careful, don't want to fall or hit my shins. Kirsten was my partner last night and she along with Coach Crystal and Lauren were great cheerleaders pushing me through to the end!
Tonight kicks off the Spartan 300 Challenge with our first team meeting. I am looking forward to meeting my teammates and setting my goals but I am super psyched to get my body comp done! My last comp was on on March 15th and I have lost 10.2 lbs since then but have no idea how my measurements have changed. I am especially interested to see my body fat percentage as compared to just 7 weeks ago. Saturday we have our benchmark workout and I'm totally excited! I'm so looking forward to this leg of my CF journey and seeing where it takes me physically and mentally.
Spartan 300 Challenge from CrossFit Central on Vimeo.
After tonight's meeting I plan to go to my usual Tuesday night Vinyasa class at Black Swan. Looking forward to opening my body and getting my sweat on to detox and cleanse.
Fuel Log for 5-3-10:
Breakfast 7:45 a.m.
Paleo Pancakes
Snack 10:30 a.m.
1/3 Key Lime Pie Larabar
Lunch 12:15 p.m.
2 cups spaghetti squash
1 cup meat sauce
Snack 4:00 p.m.
1/2 c canteloupe
1 oz prosciutto
Snack 6:15 p.m.
1/3 Chocolate Hazelnut Larabar
Dinner 8:30 p.m.
3 oz oven baked salmon
oven roasted aspargus
1/3 baked sweet potato mashed and sprinkled with cinnamon
1/4 c Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
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