I'm sad to announce that Coach Crystal has suggested that I part ways with Larabar. It seems this yummy treat is the culprit of my weight loss stagnation. I have been stuck at 11 lbs for a couple of weeks now and after reviewing my food log Coach Crystal deemed my 1-2 Larabar habit my problem. She said everything else looked great with the exception of the Larabars and my over indulgence in red wine this past weekend. So I made a vow to wean off the Larabars starting today. I decided that I would start with eating 1/2 of a bar a day until I depleted my stash of 3 remaining bars. Today I savoured 1/2 of a Chocolate Hazelnut bar and put the rest away for another day. I'm gonna miss you Larabar :-(
Yesterday's workout was bitter sweet. I rocked the deadlifts. I PR'ed it with 130# which happens to be my goal body weight so essentially I deadlifted the me I want to be :-) We didn't get to run in our warm-up which really sucked because I love to run. Our WOD was straight forward, 15 kettlebell swings and 10 jerks, 5 rounds, 12 minute time limit. My right shoulder is still wonky and after Monday's WOD of clean and jerks I knew I had to baby it so I used a wimpy 45# bar for my jerks and a 14 kg kettlebell for my swings. I finished in 8:30, second only to Jess but I didn't feel victorious. The weights were not challenging enough so I was able to breeze through the WOD and that disappointed me. I would rather finish dead last, dead tired, seeing stars, puking and about to pass out than to finish 1st or 2nd with no real effort. Crystal asked me if the weight was ok during my workout, I think she could tell it was too easy and I explained about my crapped out shoulder. She said it was better to go lighter and repair and strengthen the shoulder than to push and cause real damage. She's right and I know it but I only get 2 chances a week to have my a** kicked and I just feel cheated that I walked out of there last night without feeling like I had been whooped.
I'm having difficulty getting in my extra workouts again this week. So far I have managed to do none of them and it's Thursday. They're tougher than last week so doubling up could be an issue and my weekend is jammed packed! :-(
It's my turn to host the monthly Goddess Gathering with my girlfirends tomorrow night. I have planned a completely Paleo meal:
Norcal/Paleo Margarita
Salmon Carpaccio with lemon vinegarette
Melon wrapped prosciutto drizzled with basalmic vinegar
Pescado a la Veracruzana
Grilled squash and zucchini
Jess's artichoke salad
Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate
My fuel for yesterday and today looked like this:
Wednesday 5/19/10
Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
1/4 c onion
1/4 c green pepper
1/4 c mushrooms
1/2 c egg whites
1 tsp coconut oil
Snack 10:30 a.m.
1 Chocolate Hazelnut Larabar :-(
Lunch 12:00 p.m.
2 oz oven roasted turkey
field greens, beets, cabbage, carrots w/basalmic vinegar, olive oil, honey and garlic salt dressing
Snack 4:00 p.m.
1/2 c canteloupe
1 oz salami
Dinner 8:45
4 shrimp sauteed in olive oil
oven roasted asparagus cooked in olive oil and garlic salt
1/4 c Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate
Thursday 5/20/10
Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
1/4 c onion
1/4 c green pepper
1/4 c mushrooms
1/2 c egg whites
1 tsp coconut oil
Snack 10:30 a.m.
1/2 Chocolate Hazelnut Larabar :-(
Lunch 12:00 p.m.
4 shrimp sauteed in olive oil
field greens, beets, cabbage, carrots same dressing as yesterday
Snack 4:00 p.m.
1/2 c canteloupe
2 oz oven roasted turkey
Dinner 8:45 p.m.
1/2 c egg whites
1 tsp coconut oil
1 banana
1/2 tbsp almond butter
1 oz salami
3 pistachios
1/4 c Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate
Pretty random dinner but I could not decide what to eat and had no food to put together a real meal even after going to WF's to buy groceries for tomorrow night's dinner. Oh well, c'est la vie!
Bath and bed are calling, nighty-night :-)
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1 day ago
I feel your pain! Larabars are a slippery slope...and I too have experienced their delicious evil. Another thing to watch out for, chicken salad. I started out eating just a tiny bit to get my good fat and protein in but low and behold, I found myself sliding down the same Larabar slope.
ReplyDeleteThe minute that I cut out Larabars and/or chicken salad, I found my body instantly responded. It's definitely worth it.
Glad to hear I'm not the only recovering Larabar junkie in the paleo/crossfit world and I'll steer clear of the chicken salad for sure! Thanks Annie Bug :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Pamela,
ReplyDeleteThis is Kiley with Coconut Bliss and I wanted to say thank you for including us in your Goddess Dinner!
Have a great time!
My pleasure Kiley, I LOVE Coconut Bliss and am looking forward to introducing it to my fellow Goddesses :-)