Tonight was an evening of separation anxiety for me :-( First, Coach Lauren had to sub for Coach Crystal because Coach Crystal had an important Advocare RAH! RAH! to attend. I like Coach Lauren but I find comfort in routine when I'm new at something so the thought of Coach Crystal not being there made me a bit anxious. Despite my anxiety, I made it through the WOD successfully, more on that in a moment.
The second sucker punch of the evening came at the end of class just when I was starting to think things had gone ok without Coach Crystal. Coach Lauren announced during the cool down/stretch that Crossfit Central would be closed next week. As soon as the words left her mouth I felt the panic rising. OMG!! Are you CF people crazy?!!! What am I supposed to do for a full week with no CF??!! I swear I immediately felt the muscles that I have worked so hard to develop over the past few months shrink while my body simultaneously blew up with the 8 lbs I've managed to lose! What in the H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS am I supposed to do with myself next Monday and Wednesday night?!! In a panic I immediately started asking everyone around me if I heard correctly and they confirmed. A million thoughts raced through my head as I tried to sort out just what I would do to remedy this potential tragedy. Coach Lauren continued to talk about this being the perfect opportunity to rest and how important rest is in our workout recovery and all of the great free workshops on diet, nutrition, Trigger Point and yoga classes that would be offered during this week off but all I could think is I have been resting for the past 3 years people, I need to move my a$$ not rest and recover it!!!
Class was dismissed but I could not accept the fact that there would be no WOD's next week. This could truly spell disaster for me. It could mean all of those clothes I went shopping for in the back of my closet this weekend that I had not been able to wear for more than a year would have to be returned because a week without CF would surely equal at least 10 lbs and 2 clothes sizes.
In my shock, I reached out to a few of my classmates and asked how they planned to deal with this disaster but they didn't seem to be as affected as me. A couple suggested getting together and doing a WOD on our own but I vetoed that idea right away on the basis that none of us could be trusted to work to our full potential without Coach Crystal. Getting no help from my CF comrades, I sulked out the door but then inspiration struck, I'll hire Coach Crystal for a personal training session! Yes, that would be perfect! I would have her all to myself and we could even work on my pull ups! As I got in my car and started my drive home I made a plan to e-mail her. As I penned the e-mail in my mind, I was suddenly struck by the thought that she said would say no to a session and that I needed to honor this week of rest and recovery.
DENIED, DENIED, DENIED!!! I just knew I would be so I gave up that plan. Feeling rejection and greater panic I called my CF junky sister in search of consulation. She was as shocked as me to hear the news and listened sympathetically as I talked my way through a multitude of schemes and plans to find a solution. Finding no valid solution, I tried to pacify myself with the idea of running 3 times next week and doing some extra yoga classes.
As soon as Mr. X walked through the door, I blasted him with the news. His first reaction was to laugh at my state of panic as I ran through my litany of hair-brained ideas. After listening patiently, he explained that he thought that a rest and recovery week was an excellent idea and that I should honor it. He reminded me that it was perfect timing since I would be starting my Spartan 300 training in 2 weeks which means extra workouts weekly. Yes, I agreed what perfect timing as a sense of calm washed over me.
So next week there will be no WOD's for me. I will run a little more, enjoy a few more public yoga classes, rest and recover.
Last night's WOD went splendidly. We started with our usual warm-up of about 30 push ups, squats, jumping jacks, running drills and finished off with a 400 meter run. Our Olympic lift was the press, easy breezy! We had 3 sets of 5. I started with the 35 lb bar as my warm-up and it was light as a feather so I gathered up 2 10 lbs weights and 2 5 lber's. First set I did 55 lbs, 2nd set I stacked on 10 more for 65 lbs and finished strong by adding 5 more lbs for a final set of 70 lbs. Next came the WOD and I completely underestimated my ability. We had 2 rounds of 20 box jumps, 20 kettle bell clean and press and 20 kettle bell pass-through lunges. I chose a 12" box, elite was a 24" and a 10 kg kettle bell, elite was 16kg. I finished the WOD in 7:16 which pleased me but I felt as though I had not challenged myself enough. I should have gone for the 14" box and a 12 kg kettle bell. Note to self for future, always start big and scale down if needed!
My food log is quite boring, same old same as I explained in my post yesterday that my creative juices just weren't flowing when I went shopping for the week. Here's the run down anyway:
B'fast 8:00 a.m.
3 egg white
1/2 c chopped green pepper and onions
1/4 c chopped mushrooms
1 small mandarine orange
Yogi Tea Rejuvenation Green Tea w/1tsp agave nectar (yes, I'm still on that crack back but down to a tsp a day in my tea)
Snack 10:00 a.m.:
1/2 German Chocolate Cake Larabar which I only ate because I was playing accounts payable person in my office yesterday and dealing with large bills make me nervous so I really ate out of emotion not hunger but boy was it yummy!
Lunch 12:00 p.m.:
1 c spaghetti squash
1 c homemade spaghetti sauce with meat
Snack 3:00 p.m.
1/2 c diced canteloupe
1 oz prosciutto
splash of basalmic vinegar
Dinner 8:45 p.m.:
3 oz salmon oven baked
2 c kale cooked in vegetable broth with garlic and red pepper
1 c sweet mashed baked sweet potato with a dash of cinnamon
11 oz Naked Coconut Water
Tonight I Vinyasa with the lovely Lilyana at Black Swan at 7:00 p.m. come join me if you're not busy!
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
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