So, I have been trying to perfect the Paleo Pancake for a couple of weeks and finally have it down! It's all in just the right amount of coconut oil, controlling the heat and making smaller pancakes. If you have no idea what a Paleo Pancake is, see the recipe below and give them a shot, they are so YUMMY!!!
1 Banana
1 egg
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tsp of vanilla
sprinkle of cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut oil
Mash banana until smooth in consistency, I use a fork and just mash until all the lumps disappear. Add egg, vanilla and cinnamon and blend well. Using a fork, mix in almond butter until blended completely and the mixture has a smooth consistency.
Heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat. Pour small amout of batter into the center of pan and cook until edges are golden brown and center is bubbly, carefully release the edges of the pancake with a spatula then turn.
I eat these as I cook them since it usually takes a couple of minutes to cook each one and they are better served hot :-)
My cousin and his wife are lucky enough to have a friend who has chickens so they get to eat fresh eggs. Yesterday I received a dozen of these fresh eggs and can hardly wait to try them! I have not eaten eggs that were not purchased from a grocery store since I was a little kid at my great grandparents' farm. I took a peek at them this morning and just as my cousin promised, these eggs have shells in lovely hues of light blues, greens and beige. They are just marvelous!
Since beginning to eat meat again, I am dealing with the moral issues of animal treatment I avoided for so long by being a vegetarian. I have been working diligently to educate myself on buying the "kindest" meat and eggs possible. My cousins explained to me that the chickens that lay these eggs or "The Girls" as they are affectionately called, are treated like queens and loved very much so I am honored to receive their eggs :-) Last month's issue of Edible Austin magazine Edible Austin featured chickens, eggs and the farms that are working to grow happy, healthy birds so check it out.
On my first trip to the Whole Foods meat department I was thrilled to learn that they actively participate in the Global Animal Partnership 5 step Animal Welfare Rating Standards. I feel much better knowing that I can actually vote with my money by choosing to buy meat that has been grown responsibly, humanely and above the pitiful, typical industry standards. Since my issue was never really with ingesting meat but being an active participant in the cruel treatment of animals, this brings some relief to the guilt I still feel but am working to resolve. My belief is and always has been that God gave humans the gift of animals for many resources including the nourishing of our bodies. As gifts we should treat these animals with kindness and reverence as they give us the gift of health and life through the giving of themselves.
I will end this conversation by asking you to please see the movie Food Inc., if you have not already.
Thursdays are officially my rest days so no workout to report but here is my fuel list for the day. I was at a ceremony for most of the day with no food and joined my cousins for a very European afternoon celebration snack following, hence the wine and Aperol :-)
Breakfast 8:00 a.m.:
Paleo Pancakes
Snack 12:45 p.m.:
1 Coconut Cream Pie Larabar
Snack 3:30 p.m.:
Raw broccoli
1 and 1/2 glasses of Cab
a "taste" of Aperol
Dinner 8:00 p.m.
Pot au Feu
Spring salad greens with cabbage, carrots and beets with basalmic vinegar and olive oil
1/2 c Coconut Bliss Naked Cocount and Dark Chocolate
Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204
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