Last night marked the beginning of a new month at Crossfit Central which means benchmark workout time. The workout was Angie. Angie is a scary lady and usually strikes fear and dread in the hearts of most Crossfitters. I first met Angie back at the beginning of April and I approached her then from mostly an ignorance is bliss frame of mind having no idea how grueling she could actually be and finding out the hard way. This is what she looks like:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
20 minute time limit (Coach Crystal imposes a 9 minute cutoff time on pull ups since people tend to get stuck there and don't get the chance to move on to the other moves)
Our first meeting played out like this:
85 pull ups using the green band
100 push ups on my knees
100 sit ups
0 squats
That evening I finished the squats at home and felt like I had totally shredded every muscle fiber in my forearms. The next day I could not straighten my arms and watched my elbows, biceps and triceps swell into what looked like elephantitis of the arms that lasted for about a week and a half.
Having smoked the Spartan 300 this past Saturday, I was feeling a little cocky, I figured if I could complete 50 pull ups, 50 deadlifts, 50 push ups, 50 box jumps, 50 floor wipes and 50 kettlebell presses in 17:55 that I could surely kick Angie's a$$. I felt confident that I would get all 100 pull ups, after all I was just shy 15 back in April and since I am so much stronger now the 100 push ups, sits ups and squats that follow seemed like a walk in the park. I had no fear of a recurrence of arm elephantitis since I am now kipping on the blue band and thisclose to my first bandless kipp. But Angie is a cunning b**** and she is laughing her a$$ off at me today. Here's how our second meeting went down:
55 pull ups using the blue band
95 push ups on my knees
100 sit ups
30 squats
So what the HELL happened?!!! Let's start with the pull ups, the bar I was on had been taped where my left hand was positioned and my callouses started to blister right away from the rough surface. On about pull up #40 one of the callouses/blisters on my hand ripped. This slowed me wayyyy down, taking 2 or 3 pu's at a time until the pain just became too much and I decided it wasn't worth it to shred my hand any further. Not to make excuses, but I know I could have gotten all 100 pull ups had I not ripped! This month Crystal set a time limit of 5 minutes on push ups. Between the stinging sweat dripping down onto my open wound and the pressure of the ground beneath my hand causing pain my push ups came more slowly than they should have and ended up on my knees to boot. Crystal called time before I could squeeze in the remaining 5 so it was on to sit ups which were tough but I knocked them out and moved onto squats which were easy but time just ran out. Once more, Angie won. No one in class finished the WOD and I stayed after class to complete my remaining 70 squats but did not even go near the pull up bar.
During our cool down Coach Crystal congratulated us all on surviving another Angie and remarked that it maybe the last time we ever meet Angie because they are thinking of retiring her. You see Angie beats down most everyone who dares to look her in the eye so they have deemed her not an appropriate benchmark workout. I got the feeling that the general consensus of my classmates was a feeling good riddance but believe it or not this news really disappoints me. You see, despite my past meetings with this fierce lady, I still want more shots at her because I really believe that one day I will rip her a new one :-)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
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23 hours ago
What are you talking did great! You moved down a band and got to do squats this time. There is nothing bad about that at all. Remember, AGAIN FASTER. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd what about retiring Angie?? NO!!! This time was supposed to be my one time to sweep Angie since I have pull-ups down BUT noooo, I get this shoulder injury and all that is gone. I really really really wanted to smash it next time...of course, that's when they'll retire it. BOOO!
I think we should both officially protest Angie's retirement 'cause I know we can both smash her once these ol' wounds/injuries heal! :-)